Rabu, 16 September 2009

Warning Sign

Warning sign for some reason have mutual function, specially if the project is more than or up than 1 million dollars. Or Have owner that concerned enough to safety culture.

Contractors used to be in some purpose insignificantly work with out warning sign, the [problem is many of the worker have not high education, so the principal need not to implemented safety culture due tio poor concerned and poor education back ground the worker have.

These days government urged to use and straightened the warning sign, even though some of the contractors feel uncomforted to pressed the system in theirs organization.

If we can realize the reason why some not many the contractors understand the meaning of safety culture, perhaps the roots of the problem somewhat will be eliminate easily.

The structure of the organization divide into three main function on the field. The major function occupied by worker and operator that not in the direct order of the management of contractors. In this area many of the person have education below the junior high school, in the contrary they have long working track record, they have experience to work in the project but do not have back ground ability as safety person that already touch into safety.

To minimize the problems as we record before is how to inject the safety culture to the non direct person that insignificantly will influenced to the project job.

Lets contact the local consultant or you can contact ANDALAN QUALITY DUNIA - ICA number 021-7065 2998 or 021-847 86 92. Safety is everybody responsibility not only mandor or Project manager or even operator

Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Global Reporting Intitiative

is becoming an increasingly important issue for the
property industry, and a raft of policies and legislation is now emerging,
designed to enhance the environmental performance of the sector.
Over the last decade, we have witnessed a small but increasing level of
demand for environmentally efficient commercial property among certain
occupiers (typically large corporates), who have used their
accommodation preferences to demonstrate a commitment to the notion
of corporate social responsibility. We believe that occupiers of all sizes and
in all sectors will now need to consider these issues with regards to the
property they occupy.

Sustainability and corporate
social responsibility

The occupation of property that is sensitive to the concept of sustainable
development provides an ideal and tangible vehicle through which a
company can exhibit its support of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Even without the legislative sticks, the notion of CSR is gaining
increasing prominence, and its implementation is becoming mainstream
among global corporates. Sustainability statements are also becoming
widespread. Indeed, in a recent survey of large companies conducted by
the Council for Offices, 67% respondents stated that sustainability
would be ‘very important’ in the future conduct of their organisation.

But what exactly is a sustainable ? Only relatively recently have
property professionals begun to translate the rather nebulous concept of
sustainable development into the practical implications for the design
and occupation of commercial . The term ‘green ’
should not necessarily be confused with sustainable , which
demands a balanced and holistic approach that embraces economic,
social and environmental issues at once. In the following table we list
five key criteria that should be considered together when evaluating how
sustainable is.

Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

Construction works - Safety is Personal

Toolbox talks
are safety lectures aimed at the construction trade. The lectures are intended to educate workers about creating and maintaining safer work conditions, and attendance is mandatory with many companies. In addition to the construction industry, mining companies and heavy manufacturers also hold toolbox talks. Many companies provide toolbox talks in modular form, so that a safety educator has a curriculum readily available.
There are several facets to successful and useful toolbox talks. As a general rule, the talks are short and they are kept interesting and relevant. Some workplaces hold brief toolbox talks once a week, continuously educating their employees, while others have longer safety seminars at less frequent intervals. The goal is to empower employees so that they can recognize, avoid, report, and correct safety hazards.
Learning to recognize safety hazards is an important part of the curriculum. Workers are educated about all aspects of the industry they work on, so that they can identify problems with their work sites. Usually, workers are invited to tell stories about injuries they have witnessed or heard about, so that workers can learn from each other as well as the lecture. Electrical safety, proper handling of equipment, and fall safety are common safety hazards which are covered in toolbox talks.
Safety hazards
Workers are also taught about how to correct safety hazards. Most job sites have a safety officer, and employees are told to report hazards to the safety officer. Once the officer has evaluated the hazard, actions can be taken to correct it. Workers are also encouraged to use common sense. For example, if a hazard is obviously immediately life threatening, workers should evacuate the area or take steps to correct it, rather than going through the safety officer.
Avoiding potentially hazardous situations is included in toolbox talks as well. For example, workers are taught to tie in when working in high spaces, shown how to use a respirator in conditions with large particulate loads, and educated about the impact of environmental conditions such as extreme heat or cold on safety. Learning to avoid the creation of unsafe conditions is also important, and workers learn how to work and move safely around a job site.

System Integration for Your Organisation


An Organisation (the client) intends to establish an integration management system modeled after the ISO 9001: 2008 standard, ISO14001:2004 standard and OHSAS18001: 2007 to provide greater management assurance to her customers as well as enhance its own competitiveness. To achieve this, the client is looking for external expertise to help develop and implement the Integration system and has requested to propose a full training and consultancy package.

At present, there are not designated staffs for implementing and maintaining the management assurance function. However, management commitment to QOHSE (Quality Occupational Health Safety Environment) is very strong and the implementation of ISO 9000, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 has been given priority in the pursuit of management excellence.


Having understood the needs of the client, Andalan Quality Dunia (AQD) proposes to help the client to achieve the following:

a) Conduct practical training for all key staff to help them acquire the necessary knowledge of Process QOHSE Management and ISO 9001 standard, ISO14001 standard and OHSAS18001 requirements and apply the concepts in the development of the necessary documentation in their respective areas of work.
b) Develop and implement systematically a integration system which will meet the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, ISO14001:2004 and OHSAS18001 under the full guidance of a team of experienced AQD consultants.
c) Prepare the client for the third party certification audit.
d) Help the client to achieve certification of its integration system.


The scope of work covers the following elements:

a) Preliminary Assessment
b) Training
c) QOHSE System Design and Development
d) Implementation of the QOHSE System
e) Pre-certification System Audit
f) Project Follow-up



a) Organisation

From the discussion with the client, AQD recognizes the need to help the key staff of the client who will be responsible for developing and implementing the integration system to understand thoroughly the various requirements and expectations of them in the project. To achieve this objective, the following will be undertaken:
Establish a formal project organization structure with clear terms of reference of various members in this organization. The following reporting structure should be established:

Project Co-ordinator
Steering Committee
Work Groups

Should you have anything inquiry how to implement effectively and efficiently the integration standard with COMPETENCE PEOPLE. Contact AQD: 021-70652998, 8478692,0811 844 644 our works coverage to all cities in Indonesia even in USA.

Senin, 13 April 2009


1. Know where you are walking
2. Memorize numbers of emergency
3. Protect your vicinity
4. Don't let your guard down
5. Be aware of who's around you
6. Be near of phones
7. You don't have to walk alone
8. Register your items
9. Always keep you valuables secret
10. Keep you car or bike safe

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Sertifikasi ISO14001: 2004 PT AGRICON

Selamat kepada para Management dan staff PT Agricon dalam mendapatkan penghargaan tertinggi dibidang lingkungan berupa sertifikasi ISO14001: 2004 Environmental Management System. Untuk lebih lanjut rincian penerapan dan sertifikasi silakan hubungi AQD : 021 7065 2998 atau 021 847 86 92

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009


Success of a Project depends on the following:-
• The Project Owner / Client / his project construction organization and
management system.
• The Contractor (or the Construction company), his experience, financial and
technical strength and overall competence.
• The Consultant, his knowledge and experience.
• The Project entity itself, its viability and practicability in the condition’s


Environmental Policies
1. In our business, we will pay close attention to issues related to the environment, health and safety and do our best to prevent pollution.
2. The Company will strictly observe environmental laws and regulations and strive to improve its control over potential environmental issues through the establishment of standards and rules in view of the requirements for related industries.
3. The Company will define its objectives related to the environment and re-examine them annually in keeping with changing information and continually improve its environmental management system (EMS) by revising the objectives and targets when necessary.
4. The company will make every effort to save resources and energy and to promote recycling.
5. The Company will provide its employees with well-designed training in environmental affairs in order to raise their awareness of conservation and announce its policies to business partners.
6. The company aims to improve the quality of its products through conservation activities and to promote the effective use of resources.
7. The Company announces its environmental policies to all concerned both within and outside the company.

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009


Incident reporting schemes have long been part of organizational safetymanagement
programs, especially in sectors like civil aviation, the chemical
process industry, and, more recently, rail transport and in a few health care
domains, such as anaesthesiology, pharmacies, and transfusion medicine. In this
paper, we define incidents as all safety-related events, including accidents (with
negative outcomes, such as damage and injury), near misses (situations in which
accidents could have happened if there had been no timely and effective recovery),
and dangerous situations.
But do reporting schemes capture a representative sample of actual events?

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Checking noise by Jefri ST AK3 MOHS

Some of the Industrial Hazard is influenced by outside factors. Factors can be reduced or can be eliminated. Check noise is some of the confounding the area of work. Should you know more and make the better environment work site for you and your colleague contact us 021-847 86 92 or 021-7065 2998 we will be more than happy to know more about your obstacles. To know AQD to Get more result. Field of anything safety is our risk of business.

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

OHS Training and Courses February 2009

Risk Management in ISO31000 standard ?

The way people define risk has significant repercussions for the way risks are identified
and the way they are managed. Risk professionals see risk as a combination of the consequences of an
event and the likelihood of an event with those consequences occurring (technical risk). However, as
Sandman has pointed out, society’s view of risk equates with hazard plus outrage (sociological risk).
In other words we concentrate on calculating the risk, identifying the controls in place, determining
the residual risk, and assessing on that basis if we will accept the risk or not. The community’s
response, however, equates to the level of outrage the event produces.
Sustainability, likewise, has many definitions and encompasses anything from social justice issues and
the environment to how an organisation can continue to survive a globally competitive environment.
Of recent times organisations have been looking at triple or quadruple bottom line reporting and have
started identifying sustainability as a risk (both threat and opportunity) they must manage to
increasingly greater levels in the future. The nature of sustainability risk is seen as new and emerging,
different to the risks that organizations and risk managers have traditionally faced, and one that will
require different solutions than those that caused it to become an issue in the first place.
While this may be true it is the contention of this paper that risk and sustainability are two sides of the
one coin and are therefore inextricably linked. One cannot be understood without the other.
A holistic model is put forward that clearly identifies the link and demonstrates how an understanding
of both risk and sustainability will be essential for future decision making

Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

Azil awaludin author of Construction safety in subcontractor workers

البيئة والصحة المهنية والس Azil Awaludinلامة من قبل سعادة

برنامج الماجستير للصحة والسلامة المهنية
أطروحة ، كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2008
Azil Awaludin Suardhy ، NPM. 0706189362
خطأ في التحليل وحقوق المتعاقد من الباطن عامل في قطاع البناء والتشييد على هذا المشروع عام 2008 حزب العمال. باء
س + 103 صفحة ، 8 جداول ، صور 27 ، 5 المرفقات

كما ورد مؤخرا من الحوادث والإصابات في قطاع البناء الحصول على أعداد كبيرة. (وفي عام 2005 والولايات المتحدة حزب العمال Bereau الإحصاءات : سجلت 200000 بجراح خطيرة ، ومبلغ 1200 قتيل كل عام ، وتكوين 7 ٪ من جميع الوفيات يقدم للعامل 21 ٪). مقارنة في اندونيسيا : قطاع البناء والتشييد الحصول على 31،9 ٪ من وقوع الحادث وحادث خلال الفترة من يناير الى أغسطس 2008 : وقوع حوادث يقوم أكثر من 6 مرات وفيات في جاكرتا المقاطعة فقط.
عامل في قطاع البناء تختلف من المديرين العاملين المتعاقدين من الباطن. اسم مثل : المشرف العام ، مدير المشروع ، مدير الموقع ، والمهندس ، فورمان (Mandor) ، والعمال. تصنيف تختلف عن فورمان (mandor) على موقع العامل المقدمة من المتعاقدين من الباطن (البائع). ويختلف مستوى التعليم من المدرسة الابتدائية إلى الثانوية ، فإن العديد من العمال ليست لديها قدرة خاصة على النحو عامل بناء في ما يتعلق بالسلامة والصحة والبيئة.
النمو السريع في مشروع البناء في الوقت الحاضر ، وعلى النحو الذي أوصت به لتعزيز الحكومة في القريب العاجل وسوف تسبب في والسلامة بالنسبة للعامل بناء من الاختصاصات. وخاصة بالنسبة للمقاولين من الباطن وينبغي أن ندرك عامل السلامة في العمل ، والخطر في موقع العمل ، والسلامة وقعت والرموز. الرئيسية المتعاقدين سلامة المنشأة اليومية الإحاطة ، والسلامة إحاطة قصيرة الدوريات. للتغلب على معنى الخطأ البشري على سلامة السلوك على المتعاقدين من الباطن العامل ، بحاجة الى مزيد من الدراسة لتجنب وقوع الحادث وتقليل من الحادث الذي وقع في عامل البناء. هذه الدراسة تستند إلى خطأ بشري. بعد تحليل عامل الأخطاء البشرية القائمة على المعرفة القائمة على الخطأ ، وكانت النتائج الرئيسية الميل إلى العجلة (24،23 ٪) ، والتركيز الانتقائي (20،09 ٪) ، وبغض النظر المتناقضة الأدلة (18،66 ٪).
في خاتمة للدراسة التي عقدت ، والخطأ البشري هو السبب الرئيسي لاختيار تحريك المعرفة القائمة على خطأ. لتجنب هذه الحالة مستمرة وتمنع الخطأ البشري ضرورة أن برنامج الوقاية من الخطأ.

الأدب : 35 (1966 -- 2008)
الكلمات الأساسية : الأخطاء البشرية ، وسلامة السلوك ، والمعرفة القائمة على الخطأ ، والعمال ، للمقاول

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

IWA2 for education institution related to ISO9001

ISO/IWA 2:2007 Project Plan

1.1 Project definition
1.2 Project objective and scope
1.3 Project Plan
1.4 Project Management Plan

2.1 Internal Communication Plan
2.2 Staff Communication Plan
2.3 Translation of ISO/IWA 2:2007 into Bahasa Indonesia

3.1 Create and maintain a data base of interested parties
3.2 Company monitoring
3.3 Biannual Reports

4.1 Revision and restructuring the PTG
4.2 PTG responsibilities and activities
4.3 Intermediate PTG meetings
4.4 Organizing and carrying out the meetings
4.5 Implementation and monitoring of agreements

5.1 Design and distribution of promotional documents
5.2 Presentations to interested parties
5.3 Organization of national and international events
5.4 Participation in national and international events on education and quality
management in education.
5.5 Collaboration with International Organizations interested in education

6.1 Collaboration with ISO/TC-176 Liaison Organizations
6.2 Liaison with ISO/TC 176 through the Sector Liaison Forum
6.3 Liaison with Regional Organizations for Standardization
6.4 Liaison with International Organizations dedicated to the accreditation of
educational programs.

7.1 Link with funding organizations that finance projects in education
7.2 Presentation of proposals to funding organizations
7.3 Use of resources for performing projects activities
7.4 Reports on quantitative and qualitative results

8.1 Monitoring the Project Plan
8.2 Project responsible(s) and participants
8.3 Monitoring actions of the IWA 2 Project

9.1 Analysis on the different type of ISO deliverables
9.2 Analysis of education related documents
9.3 Decision on the type of ISO deliverable for the ISO/IWA-2:2007 Guide
9.4 Presentation of the ISO deliverable proposal before a Plenary Meeting
9.5 Activities of the IWA 2 Group in the ISO Technical Committee

Looking at the above-mentioned focus, we can see IWA 2:2003 did not increase in ISO 9001:2000 and change or amend its request, so each of the provisions of ISO 9001:2000 are included in the IWA 2:2003 corresponding text. The text of ISO 9004:2004 are also covered. Continuous performance improvement to enable organizations to provide a complete vision.
In short, IWA 2:2003 still process management in addition to the basic structure and spirit, with special emphasis on laws related to education and the education process based on the design, implementation and performance of the pursuit of continuous improvement and for educational organizations to promote quality management system there its particular value.

To know more or For consultation and training of IWA2 (or IWA1 to IWA5) contact AQD: 06221 70652998